Sunday, December 27, 2009

Care Package

I recently ordered a care package to be sent to our son in China. Starting top left going clockwise:
Blanket, toy (top) and cookies (bottom), red bag to hold items that are his that they might want to send along with him on adoption day, letter and disposable camera, panda, photos of us, clothes.  I am excited to get the disposable camera back.  I hope the foster family will include photos of themselves taken with PJ, that would mean a lot to us and him in the future I am sure.  We hope the foster family will share our pictures with him so that he might get some what used to our faces before we get there.  The cookies are mainly a treat for the foster family.


Saturday, December 12, 2009

Letter or Acceptance

Here we are at our agencies office on the late afternoon of Dec 3.
Greg is looking at the updated pictures we received.

Signing the documents.  Even Alicia got involved (just kidding).

Letter of Acceptance all done and ready to be sent back to China.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Map of China

Click on the map to open it larger in a new window.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Updated info and pictures!

Today was a great day.  We received final approval for our son!  We are one step closer, now we wait for travel approval which will happen in the next 3-8 weeks.  Then we would travel 1-2 months after that.

We got updated info and pictures today:

* Height:70,  chest:59, head:48, foot:15.
* Development: normal.
* He likes fruit and biscuits.
* He drinks with regular bottle.
* His language development is delayed due to his cleft lip and palate,he can say Mama.
* He is called "AN AN" in the institute.
* He likes activities outside.
* He naps from 15:00 to 16:00
* He can use toilet by himself(I guess it is Chinese style bathroom).
* He has been in foster care ever since he was sent to the orphanage.